Foster a Military Dog
Want to do something for our service men and women? Foster a military dog so when they return from duty, their dog will be waiting for them. Our military personnel return from extremely stressful situations. They should be able to return to the comfort of their dogs.
When called for duty, if a serviceman or woman doesn't have someone who can temporarily take care of their dog, there should be lots of opportunity for them to place their dogs in a foster home. Offering or finding foster homes is a way to thank our soldiers for their service to our country. Many of us would like to do something for our military men and women, and I can't think of anything more heartwarming than caring for their dogs while they're overseas. Military families affected by continuing troop deployments have enough to think about without having to worry what to do with their pets.
Becoming a foster home for a military dog
Fostering a military dog is similar to fostering any foster dog, except that military dogs will be returned to their owners once the owner returns from deployment. You are responsible for giving the dog love, care, and a healthy and safe environment. The foster dog should be treated as a member of your family and as if he were your own pet. You will be responsible for the complete care of the dog, including exercise and medical care.
What about expenses for the foster dog?
The agencies involved with fostering military dogs have the owner and the foster caregiver sign an agreement. One of the stipulations may be that the dog's owner contact the agency within 30 days after their return to be reunited with his or her pet. The owner recognizes that the foster care giver cannot hold their dog for an indefinite period. Pet related costs such as veterinarian care, grooming, and food may be paid by either the care giver or the owner. These things are agreed upon before the the soldier is deployed.
What happens if you can no longer foster a military dog?
The agency you work with will help find another foster home.
What is expected of the pet's owner?
Owners need to show their military ID when they bring their pet to the foster agency. Service men and women agree to have their pets spayed or neutered and be current on shots before their pets are fostered. The military service member is required to provide a copy of the pet's veterinarian records, including shot records, and contact information for the dog's current veterinarian.
The service member needs to provide information about any special care or treatment the dog needs, unique characteristics or behavioral problems. The more information provided about the dog, the happier he will be; not to mention peace of mind for the service member.
The dog should have a collar and tag with the temporary caregiver’s contact information; a rabies tag, or license as required by law in your area.

Two of the most well-known and reputable agencies that deal with fostering military pets are Netpets and Guardian Angels for Soldier's Pets.
If you can't foster a dog, but still want to help, you can always give a cash donation. These agencies need to constantly raise funds to run their programs. See the link to donations on their sites.

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